Danish visual artist Sofie Børsting is based in Raadvad close to Copenhagen and educated from the Royal Danish Academy/ Design in 2003.
I am mainly working with painting and mixed-media collages.
Lines and expressions from lifelong impressions in nature, like mountain ridges, waterfalls, caves and natural structures which often appear in the painting process and have become a language of its own, with hidden and symbolic meaning. Through constant experiments with multiple layers, painting is applied and removed, pieces are torn apart and assembled in new, free, and transformed constellations. Very much like geological phenomena where landmasses are torn apart, and new and unexpected geological shapes appear.
My daily walks in nature are giving energy to the constant development of my work. Inspiration can be found in nature, light in water puddles, patterns in a birch tree, geological layers in stones, found on daily walks or in images of the vaster universe.
It is these inner themes and existential questions that are at the core of my work and can be seen as road maps of inner processes. I am always trying to get beyond the surface, beneath the seen and very interested in how the physical can vibrate from the deeper spiritual processes and realms.
The process is a mixture of intuitive, meditative, and active listening within the painting process. How I think it will look like when I start is never how it ends like becoming. The process is often very surprising, colours and shapes appear on the surface and guide the way.
I am occupied with tactile qualities and constantly exploring new combinations of materials like ash, earth pigments, soft pastels, ink, pencils, and egg tempera. There are ongoing experiments in the studio exploring the contrast of the matt and shiny and the transparent and solid.
Billedkunstner Sofie Børsting har base i Raadvad tæt ved København og uddannet fra Det Kongelige Danske Akademi/Design i 2003.
Tekst på danskJeg arbejder primært med maleri og mixed-media collager i dynamikken mellem det abstrakte og det figurative.
Livsfaser, indre tilstande bearbejdes og undersøges frit og ekspressivt i den maleriske proces. Føden til at give de indre processer udtryk finder jeg ofte i det ydre landskab. Det kan være den helt nære natur som mønstrer og lys i en vandpyt eller geologiske lag i en sten fundet på de daglige gåture til billeder fra det store uendelige univers, der konstant nærer det billedskabende arbejde. Linjer og indtryk fra naturen som bjergrygge, floder, spejlinger og strukturer indfinder sig ofte i billede processen og har dannet et slags eget sprog med symbolske betydninger. Gennem materiale eksperimenter i lag på lag, hvor der påføres, fjernes, skrabes og rives fra hinanden og sammensættes, holdes maleriet og mixed media arbejdet åbent og frit.
Jeg arbejder med en blanding af intuitiv, ekspressiv, meditativ og aktiv lytning i maleriet. Processen er ofte meget overraskende, farver, linjer og former dukker op og guider vejen.
Taktile kvaliteter optager mig jeg og udforsker konstant nye kombinationer af materialer som aske, jordpigmenter, bløde pasteller, blæk, blyanter og æg tempera.
Jeg forsøger at komme ind under det sete og ind til det usete og meget optaget af hvordan dybere spirituelle processer og nærvær kan videreføres til det fysiske materiale.
S o f i e B ø r s t i n g
Born in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Lives and works in Raadvad, Kongens Lyngby Denmark
Billedskolen, Jagtvej
Royal Danish Academy, Tekstile and Space design
Selected projects and exhibitions
Inner and outer landscapes, Gallerigangen, Bagsværd Church by Jørn Utzon
Sorterup Church, Mountains and Cracks
Raadvad Fabrik, Beyond The Mountains
Fluid State, Raadvad Fabrik
Design Square Gallery, Landscape Abstractions
Designs Square Gallery, Botanical Abstractions
Designership, Dark Grace textile and wallpapers
Raadvad Fabrik, Open studios
North Modern, Golden Jungle wall installation cooperation with Design Circus
Designership, Golden Jungle installation and botanical paperart
Ordrupgaard, Botanical paper art/ Christmas
Ordrupgaard, Easter concept
North Modern, botanical paperart and tekstiles in cooperation with Design Circus
Illums Bolighus, graphics
Royal Smushi Cafe, graphics
Visit her studio to view paintings and art prints in:
Raadvad 40 K, 2800
Kongens Lyngby